Asia Darts Association Qualification Examination

Asia Darts Association (Hong Kong) Qualification Examination will evaluate player's technique level in several ways, including Bull accuracy, Triple 20 accuracy, Cricket accuracy, Out finish accuracy, stability and all-round skills. All Hong Kong Dream Team members must participate in the Qualification Examination.


Currently only accept participation of the Hong Kong Dream Team members.

Qualification Examination Date

16-31 May 2018

Evaluation Subjects
  1. 1. Count Up (Single Bull)
  2. 2. Count Up (Double Bull)
  3. 3. Half It
  4. 4. Cricket Count Up
  5. 5. Jump Up
  6. 6. Wanted
Player Evaluation
  1. 1. Each player has 3 chances for each subject.
  2. 2. Asia Darts Association will use the best results for each subject for evaluation.
  3. 3. If a player achieves 5 stars on the same subject twice, the player will be awarded as 6 stars for that subject.
  4. 4. The player’s evaluation will be based on the results of 6 subjects combined, the highest score is 36.
Evaluation Subjects – Rating Table
Evaluation Subjects ★★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★
1. Count Up (Single Bull) 550 700 850 1000 1100
2. Count Up (Double Bull) 550 700 850 1000 1100
3. Half It 315 440 605 745 880
4. Cricket Count Up 350 475 600 720 820
5. Jump Up 2500 4000 5500 7000 8000
6. Wanted (Round Cleared) 4 5 6 7 8
ADA Player Rating Table
Rating (6 Events total) ADA – Player Rating
31-36 Master
25-30 AAA
21-24 AA
18-20 A
15-17 BBB
12-14 BB
9-11 B
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